Thursday, December 18, 2008

Google's Webmaster Central Blog

If you want to dig deeper into the whys and hows of web crawling and indexing – those obscure yet important processes that determine where your site ranks in search engines – go straight to the source at Google's Webmaster Central Blog. If you aren't already familiar with Google's Tools for Webmasters, it's a great way to view all the information Google has on your site, including really important stuff like inbound links.

Google's Webmaster Central Blog is a good spot to learn about changes in Google's policies and updates to Webmaster tools. Do like I do and subscribe to it with your favorite RSS reader - mine is Google Reader, but there are plenty of others out there, and your web browser itself may allow you to subscribe to RSS feeds.

Thursday, December 04, 2008

GoDaddy's Questionable Tactics

An interesting (if long) investigative piece on how GoDaddy uses a second company to warehouse and profit from expired domains. Many registrars auction off their customers' expired domains, but this article alleges that GoDaddy jumps through some unusual hoops to cover their tracks.

I've discussed the domain name selling game in numerous classes, as well as some of the tactics of companies like (GoDaddy competitor) Network Solutions. It's an odd business, and the real money is no longer in the registrations themselves, but in all the add-on services, auctions and other fees that the registrars try to extract from you.

A recent trip into the Network Solutions site management console for a client of ours who needed a domain redirected revealed an innovative advertising strategy: As a paying customer, I could not even reach the management screen for the domains without first viewing and opting out of an account security upgrade. I was given the choice of either purchasing the service or I could "Continue Unprotected." Talk about tasteless, fear-based advertising!

Sadly, this is becoming standard practice as domain registrars turn over every cushion to find those last bits of change. Your best bet is to buy just the services you need and studiously avoid the barrage of upselling.

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Inbound Links

A new series of pieces are going up at the eBlox blog over the next two weeks regarding inbound links. I explain in layman's terms what they are, how to measure them, and how to obtain at least a few of them to assist you in your own search engine optimization efforts. Check it out.

Friday, October 31, 2008

More AdWords tweaks from Google

It looks like Google is changing the way they measure ad quality again. TechCrunch reports that Google will be factoring in ad position when measuring quality score, effectively removing whatever boost is provided by higher ad positions.

Google will also be making it easier for ads to appear above the search results – because a certain level of quality is required for an ad to appear on the top, the higher quality rankings from the first change result in more ads that meet the quality guidelines to appear above the search results. Result? More money for Google, of course, because more ads appear on top, which should result in more clicks.

Full story here. Google's complete explanation of ad ranking can be found here. Here is Google's AdWords blog post on the change.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Simple file sharing and syncing

If you've been looking for a simple way to synchronize files between multiple computers, share files publicly with family and friends, or just keep a quick, drag-and-drop backup of your most valuable files, you might want to check out Dropbox, which recently launched out of beta.

Dropbox is about as simple and elegant as it gets; I've been using the beta for a few months and it's a breeze to move stuff around. It's nice to see something as complex as file synchronization handled so straightforwardly. Check it out here.

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Using your Competitors' Keywords and Trademarks

We've discussed the use of negative keywords and competing keywords in your content as potential strategies to attract customers looking for alternatives to something – for instance, using "chemotherapy" and related keywords for a site that is actually promoting alternatives to traditional cancer treatment like chemotherapy. With non-trademark keywords, this is a sound strategy.

With trademarks, you have to be a little bit more careful. A recent ruling points out that using competitors' trademarks specifically for search engine optimization can run afoul of trademark law. The ruling seems to rest on the standard that the use of the words can create confusion for consumers but, since I'm not a lawyer, I'll send you right over to this excellent blog post that discusses it in detail.

Monday, September 01, 2008

Keyword Tool

For those of you who don't want to spring for tools like Wordtracker, Google offers similar functionality with its Keyword Tool. Google's Keyword Tool provides keyword assistance by allowing you to enter seed keywords or phrases and then showing you potential traffic of your keywords and suggesting related ones.

The tool is built primarily to assist pay-per-click customers in developing keyword lists but, if you are having trouble generating basic keywords for your product or service, it can be an excellent way to generate alternatives and evaluate their potential search traffic. Check it out here.

Friday, August 22, 2008

10 Resources for SEO

Clickz provides a good list of SEO resources for folks just starting out with their search engine optimization efforts. Some of this is covered in the SEO session, but there are a few new ones here worht checking out. Have a look.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Search Engine Optimization basics

I'm adapting a series of Identity Marketing magazine columns for blog posts over at the eBlox e-commerce blog. These articles focus on the basic search engine optimization for folks that are just beginning to try and optimize their content. The first article is available today, and subsequent posts should be out roughly every week or so. Check it out.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Another cool free web site creation tool

SynthaSite looks like a pretty well-designed, easy to use web site creation tool. The service is free and does not display ads on your site. Sites are simple to create with a drag and drop interface. I haven't checked it out in detail, but if you're interested in free web site creation tools, this might be a good one to add to your short list. Check it out here.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Flash may now be indexed by Google and Yahoo

Adobe announced today that they are providing a method for the major search engines to index Flash content. I have always recommended against extensive (or total) use of Flash for your site if you wish to be properly indexed and garner good search rankings. It looks like at least part of that problem is solved. I still recommend against using Flash for information-rich sites like e-commerce (it's just too expensive to duplicate all that content for non-Flash users like mobile users) but for those of you with mainly brochure-style content on your site, this new method of crawling Flash sites might benefit you. Read a full writeup at TechCrunch here.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Top 10 Mistakes in Web Design

For those of you undertaking web design on your own or hiring someone to build your dream site for you, a classic set of tips from usability expert Jakob Nielsen on what not to do. Check out the article here.

Monday, June 16, 2008

StartSmart tonight

StartSmart class tonight at BigAustin, from 6:30 - 9:30pm. See you there!

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Web Developer's SEO Cheat Sheet

Great resource here for the technically inclined, especially if you want to know how many characters to put in a title tag or how many bytes a web page should be. Good stuff even for those of you just worried about creating proper meta tags. Check it out here.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

For those of you looking for more specific information on e-commerce and general articles on web technology, my company eBlox is now publishing a blog over at Many of the web technology articles I write for Identity Marketing Magazine will be published there, as well as various strategies for e-commerce, search engine optimization and web marketing. If any of that interests you, head on over and check it out!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Optimizing Flash-based sites for search

Ralph and Heather asked how to optimize their Flash-heavy website for search engines. A good collection of articles on Flash SEO is available here. Check it out if you've been struggling with Flash web site optimization. At our company we tend to avoid Flash for e-commerce sites, but those of you more focused on branding and imagery may need the animation and interactivity of Flash for your web presence.

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Web Site Grader

Hubspot has published a free tool to help you analyze your web site's search engine performance: Just put in your URL (and, optionally, your competitors' web sites and keywords) and it will generate a report for free. It's full of really helpful information and clear explanations of what the various terms and statistics mean. If you're confused about how Google ranks your site, this is one of the best resources out there. Check it out!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Search Engine Ranking Factors

A comprehensive (and somewhat technical) overview of all the factors that influence search engine rankings. Very detailed, and also acknowledges the disagreement over the significance of many factors. Good reading if you want to understand the details of search engine optimization. Check it out.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Creating Privacy Policies

The DMA has a great tool for quickly creating a customized privacy policy online. Check it out if you need to post a privacy policy on your site (every site that collects any kind of information at all about visitors should have a privacy policy).