Thursday, June 29, 2006

More Credit Card Processing Options

Claudia asks:
Our needs are pretty basic and we’re looking at a 2 transactions/day maximum. Around 20-40/month. We had looked into some paypal options, one with no monthly fee or setup fee and charges a per transaction % fee. I know in the second class you mentioned that you can lose a lot of money with paypal. How so?

Please let us know if you can recommend any other merchant solutions for our needs. Our bank and other options we have looked into are too expensive for us right now and seem to offer more than we need.

Well, I guess it's good I waited to answer this one; today Google announced Google Checkout, which is similar to Paypal but is integrated with Adwords and looks to be both a better deal than Paypal and much easier to implement. You can literally just paste a Google Checkout button into your web page code and you're prety much done. This may not be for everyone, and it has yet to be proven as a force in payment processing, but Google rarely does anything half-baked.

I don't have a problem with Paypal other than the high fees they charge for transactions, which can be double the standard credit card discount rates. You are trading convenience and simplicity for lower margins; if that's acceptable to you, then you should consider Paypal.

Beyond these two choices, there are dozens of low-cost merchant services providers online. I will review a few of these in the next few days and post them as I am able to.


Tom Mayer said...

PayPal is the most convenient way to pay for something for me and my credit card. Even if it has high rates for its work, it is only one that offers responsible money transfer. I think so.

shannon said...

Another credit card processing option would be to open a merchant account. 3rd party processing sites are good for internet businesses and door-to-door salespeople, but are impractical for businesses that deal in a high volume of in-store purchases.

Opra said...

I fully agree that PayPal is considered to be the most convenient way to pay for different things:) That's why many people prefer it...